Monday, January 14, 2013

Why Grind Your Own Wheat?

Just as freshly ground coffee beans are attracting customers from around the world to Starbucks, so freshly ground wheat is attracting so many health-conscious, bread loving people from around the country, especially in the Rockies.

The Nutrimill grinds 8 cups of wheat in a little over a minute. The whole-wheat berry is God's perfect storehouse. Everything you need for good nutrition is locked inside this little berry and as long as it is kept in a relatively airtight environment, it will keep indefinitely without losing any of its nutritional value.  Wheat has been discovered in the Pharaoh's tombs and when it was sprouted or ground, it still contained all of its 26 essential vitamins and minerals after 5,000 years.  It contains iron for the blood, potassium and Vitamin E for the heart, vitamin B for the nervous system.  Yet within 24 hours after it is ground, it loses 45 % of all its nutrients, and within 72 hours, it loses 80-90 per cent of its nutrients.  White flour has been processed to remove all of the nutrients, bleached to be absolutely sure that all the life is destroyed.  In the 1920's when there was such high incidence of beriberi and pellagra, the Government insisted that 3 synthetic vitamins and 1 mineral were added back into the flour.  It was then labeled "enriched."
The outside covering of the wheat is called bran.  Practically every newspaper or magazine we've read over the past years has had some article on the importance of fiber in our diets.  Bran is one of the best fibers available and is necessary for moving bulk through the system, getting rid of toxins and wastes as quickly as possible.  Nutritionists are telling us that death begins in the colon.  In cultures that have a complex carbohydrate diet (fruits, grains, vegetables), it takes 24 hours for food to be processed through the body and for the toxins and wastes to be eliminated.  In the US, it takes approximately 92 hours for food to be processed through the body.  Therefore, the toxins and wastes are sitting there in the large intestines an extra 3 days and those toxins are being reabsorbed back through the intestinal wall.  These reabsorbed toxins lead to the high incidence of diverticulitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and constipation and colon cancer.  In Africa, doctors have discovered that those on a complex carbohydrate diet may die of infectious diseases (against which we are immunized,) but they almost always do not die of dietary diseases unless they are exposed to white people, who expose them to white flour.  The American Cancer Society literature, states that 45% of all cancer is caused by the lack of fiber in our diet.
The wheat germ is the part of the wheat that sprouts and supports life.  It is filled with the high density of vitamin B for our nervous systems and Vitamin E for our heart and skin.  When it is removed, it is toasted, roasted, sugared and basically robbed of all its nutritive value.  The wheat germ also contains the wonderful wheat germ oil.  They are both removed in all processed flours and breads because the oil has a very short shelf life and will become rancid very quickly when exposed to air.  That is why we mill our grains to be used immediately.
How do we make bread quickly?
We use the most fantastic Kitchen Machine in the world.  The Bosch!!!  Bosch makes the electrical components for Mercedes Benz, Saab and Audi. These electrical components are the best in the world.  The Bosch Kitchen machine has a 700-watt motor as compared with the Kitchen Aid, which has a 300-350 watt motor.  This is the reason why the Bosch can easily knead the equivalent of 5 loaves of bread in 7 minutes, yet is precise enough to whip a single egg white.  Because of its power, it is able to develop the gluten so beautifully.  The loaves will be light and fluffy.  The Bosch will adjust for the altitude and the moisture in the air.
With the dough, we can make 5 loaves of bread.  We can also use the dough for pizza, focaccia bread, dinner rolls, cinnamon rolls and any other yeast breads.  The pizza and focaccia bread do not need to rise.  They can be placed on a pre-heated stone, and will be ready in 8 minutes.  The bread and cinnamon rolls must rise for 30 minutes and bake for 30 minutes. 
The blender on the Bosch can be used not only for smoothies, but to crack grain for hot cereal.  Cereal is one of the greatest breakfast expenses in our budgets.  This cereal can be cracked in the blender and then cooked in water and a little salt, for a few pennies.  It is fabulous!
Eighteen years ago, I was helping to prepare for my daughter's wedding.  I wondered what they would have for dinner.  At 4:30 p.m., her roommate returned home, set up her mill and proceeded to make a wonderful pizza for dinner, 2 loaves of bread for their sandwiches for the week, cinnamon rolls for breakfast and graham crackers for dessert.  We sat down to eat dinner at 6:00.  The kitchen was cleaned, and that changed my life forever.  I promised my husband that if I could get a Bosch and a mill that I would never again buy another loaf of bread.  During these 11 years, I have never bought a loaf of bread and I have lived so much more nutritiously and saved lots of money.  A loaf of bread made with the Bosch and mill costs about 50 cents a loaf. 
The Bosch can be purchased with a variety of attachments, which are itemized under the "Bosch attachment" section of the main menu.
I am available to serve you in any way, over the telephone or in my classes.  Call to come to a free demonstration.

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